A Day In a Holistic Fast


Summer & spring are great times to let go of a lot of things. Declutter your diet, digital files, home, office, relationships, projects, unsupportive self beliefs, bad habits. Rebuild & organize a stronger foundation from a clean slate. Match your inner & outer worlds in sync. Sometimes going backwards is perfect to make a stronger & better comeback. I, Rainbow, made a video for people who have no idea what a fast is and the benefits of it titled, “Fasting & Cleansing For Youth” on BearAndRainbow.com. In this video you are currently on, titled, “A Day in a Holistic Fast,” you’ll get deeper details for people interested in preparing themselves for actually performing the fast. Talk to your doctor for medical professional advice first. These are just tips for setting yourself up for success in a holistically supported way for your cleanse / fast. Thank you for watching! Share, rate up, comment, subscribe. Sign up for our mobile app, “Bear & Rainbow’s Healing” app on BearAndRainbow.com. Sign up for news updates, contests, events, webinars, teleconferences, workshops, time sensitive special offers such as healings & trainings, & positive messages. If it’s not up on our desktop website BearAndRainbow.com yet, ask us & we’ll provide you the link for our healing app registration. We’ll also be happy to help you get your own low maintenance, easy to use app for your business. Just ask!


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