Tag Archives: vaccines

December 5, 2020: Nano Bots and Vaccinations

BearAndRainbow Bitchute BearAndRainbow If You know of anybody thinking of getting a Covid Vaccination? https://rehabinc.blogspot.com/search?q=artificial+intelligence NEWS MEDIA, BULLIES & BOTS 🤖https://www.instagram.com/tv/CIbNo8-njaz/?igshid=y9j81kob310b HOW TO TERMINATE A.I. NANO BOTShttp://rehabinc.blogspot.com/2017/09/how-to-terminate-ai-nano-bots.html https://patreon.com/bearandrainbowshamanichealers

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Social Distancing, Psychic Vampirism, and Media Manipulation

BearAndRainbow https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ Bear speaks about social distancing, psychic protection, media manipulation, and what we can do to go through the Corona Virus, aka COVID-19 evolutionary historic event. ———————————————————————————————————- Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow Kindle Edition, 1st … Continue reading

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Grey Thursday, Black Friday, Winter Holidays, & Mark Dice with Bear

Grey Thursday, Black Friday, Winter Holidays, & Mark Dice with Bear from Bear and Rainbow on Vimeo. Bear did a video response regarding author and activist, Mark Dice doing videos of him bull horning Black Friday shoppers and why he … Continue reading

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