First of all, Happy Easter to everybody around the world who love and celebrate Easter.
Bear speaks about the reason why Easter was cancelled for everybody around the world due to social distancing because of the pandemic called, Corona Virus, aka COVID-19. Along with social distancing, Bear speaks about how social distancing coincides with censorship, “The Man Behind the Curtain, and Artificial Intelligence, and what we can do to counteract this before it’s too late.
This proves my (Bear) point.
Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow Kindle Edition, 1st of the series. Rate & give feedback so others who need it can find it. Buy & or share our book if you’re interested/ or someone you know is: Available preorder Feb 28, released Friday the 13th, March 13 2020. Thanks!
Check out our other blogs:
Wake Up! March 19, 2020
Social Distancing, Psychic Vampirism, and Media Manipulation
Robot Alchemy: Androids, Cyborgs, and the Magic of Artificial Intelligence, In Business and In Life
Death of David Rockefeller and Transhumanism with Bear
Anybody who is interested in taking our Psychic Protection courses in these evolutionary historic changing times, and how to go about healing our selves and healing our relationships with other people and Mother Nature / Mother Earth, go to our optin page to be on our list, so when we have our Patreon account fully operational, we will contact you to see how we can further help you.
Also, check out the reason why it is important to learn how to protect yourself on all levels, including psychically and spiritually.
Whether you take the Blue Pill, or the Red Pill? Either way, the choice is yours. Just be ready to live and / or die by the choices that you make.
Other sources to look at:
Event 201 Coronavirus Conspiracy – David Icke Talks To Shaun Attwood
‘Covid-19’ And 5G – What’s The Connection? – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Extended Lockdowns, A Form Of Mass Torture – David Icke Talks To The TradCatKnight Podcast
YouTube facing investigation from federal government over inability to protect children
Google Is Fined $170 Million for Violating Children’s Privacy on YouTube
YouTube’s new kids’ content system has creators scrambling
AI will solve Facebook’s most vexing problems, Mark Zuckerberg says. Just don’t ask when or how.
Killer robots? Musk and Zuckerberg escalate row over dangers of AI
AI won’t relieve the misery of Facebook’s human moderators.
The problem of online content moderation can’t be solved with artificial intelligence, say experts.
Meet the A.I. that helped Facebook remove billions of fake accounts
Elon Musk says all advanced AI development should be regulated, including at Tesla
DNA Frequency Bioweapon Links Targeted Individuals to Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid
The History of Artificial Intelligence [Documentary]
Artificial intelligence & algorithms: pros & cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary)
Additional Videos
More Bryan kofron
Bio coded DNA Resonant Frequency
The Sentient World Simulation
Amazon Brain to Cloud Interface
The Matrix
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