Standing Bear Thunder Heart says his peace about the late actor Paul Walker from the Fast and Furious movie series, died via car crash in Southern California November, 30, 2012, caused his death and how people have speculated that Walker’s death could be happened due to the Illuminati having him killed and questioning the possibility, while Mark Dice, an independent journalist and activist spoke up and claimed that the people speculating on Walker’s death was cause by other circumstances rather than Illuminati killing him, and therefore Mark Dice insulted the people who have used their own minds to solve this mystery of Walker’s death. Bear in return had a response to Mark Dice latest video and what he feels about those who have questions and speculations of Walker’s death.
Mark Dice sources:
Paul Walker “Murdered by the Illuminati” According to Countless Conspiracy Theorists
Mark Dice on Alex Jones [with Adam Kodesh]
To hear the full podcast:
David Icke – Resistance Radio – 08-26-07
David Icke on Resistance Radio with Mark Dice. Recorded on August 26th, 2007.
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