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Tag Archives: Kesha
R.I.P Paul Walker, Mark Dice, and People with Their Own Minds by Bear
Standing Bear Thunder Heart says his peace about the late actor Paul Walker from the Fast and Furious movie series, died via car crash in Southern California November, 30, 2012, caused his death and how people have speculated that Walker’s … Continue reading →
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Tagged Adam Kokesh, Alex Jones, Aliens, Angels, Bear & Rainbow, Bob Marley, Brian Griffin (Fictional Character), celebrities, David Icke, demons, Draco Reptilians, E.T.s, ego, fallen angels, Family Guy, Fast and Furious, Fear Factor, Freemason, Illuminati (Organization), Joe Rogan, Jordan Maxwell, Kesha, Lady Gaga, Lizards, Lucifer, Mark Dice, Michael Jackson, Michael Tsarion, Miley Cyrus (icon), mysticism, Notorious B.I.G., occult, Paul Walker, Paul Walker (TV Director), public figures, R.I.P Paul Walker, Reptilians, satanic, Shamanism, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, The Resistance, Tupac Shakur, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship (Organization), Whistleblower (Profession)
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Magic 4 Series Yoga Poses with Rainbow
Magic 4 Benefits Yoga Pose #1 Yoga Pose #2 Yoga Pose #3 Yoga Pose #4 http://twitter.com/RainbowOfRehab http://www.facebook.com/BearandRainbowpublic http://youtube.com/BearAndRainbow This is a series of 5 videos. First video describes the benefits of the Magic 4 Yoga pose series. The second video … Continue reading →
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Tagged Amy Winehouse, Diamond Dallas Page, Drew Barrymore, Ellen DeGeneres, Evander Holyfield, Gwyneth Paltrow, Hugh Jackman, Jenny McCarthy, Kesha, Lady Gaga, Madonna, magic four series, Matthew McConaughey, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, Ricky Martin, Russell Simmons, Sting, Woody Harrelson, Yoga
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