Creations with Bear & Aron

Creations with Bear & Aron from Bear and Rainbow on Vimeo.


Aron almost got killed, which led him to share this video of his multi-dimensional ways of processing this experience.
He talks about how he attracted this and how he takes responsibility for attracting this experience.
Aron’s organic message is, “Listen to your silence.” Aron is a singer, songwriter, musician, spiritualist, healer, vegan, actor, and martial artist to say the least of many things. You can access his his music with his band, “Eyes of Nine,” at:


For the public audiences: (type “Eyes of Nine” in search box)

Facebook: Eyes of 9ine (type “Eyes of 9ine” in search box)

About Bear

Standing Bear Thunder Heart of REHAB. REHAB is Revolutionary Eclectic Healing and Beyond. Shaman, Channeler, Spiritual Advisor. Master-Teacher of: Shamanic Reiki, Usui Reiki, Seichiem-Sekhem Reiki, Dolphin Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Gold Reiki, Huna Reiki, Golden Triangle Reiki, Star Avatar Multi-dimensional Healing, Star Avatar of the Abyss Multi-dimensional Healing. Practioner of: Shambala Multi-dimensional Healing Level 1, Sacred Ways of the Lakota Elders: Through Wallace Black Elk, Learning Annex.
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