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Tag Archives: karma
Why Do Accidents Happen?
BearandRainbow Why do accidents happen to a lot of people? Why are some people are so fortunate that they either have few accidents, or none at all?
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Tagged accidents, attraction, Bear & Rainbow, forgiveness, fortune, gangster, karma, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, Standing Bear Thunder Heart
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Max Igan on Truth Frequency October 6th, 2013
thecrowhouse http://thecrowhouse.com http://TruthFrequencyRadio.com
Posted in Blog
Tagged acid trips, Amazon Rain Forest, ayahuasca, ayahuasca tourism, ceremonies, Columbia, consciousness, D.M.T., Devil's Breath, Dimethyltryptamine, Earth, end the war on drugs, enlightenment, frequency, karma, Max Igan, mind control, mind control drug, mind control Zombies, past lives, Peru, pharmaceutical drugs, Pharmaceutical industry, psychedelic compound, psychedelic drug, shamanistic brew, shamans, South America, spirit, spiritual awareness, spiritual journey, The Amazon, The Cabal, The Crow House, The Truth Frenquency Radio, The Truth Frequency News, Venezuela, War on drugs, zombie
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