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Tag Archives: police corruption
The Kim Potter “Guilty” Verdict! Parts 1 & 2
BearAndRainbow Bear speaks about the Kim Potter “Guilty” Verdict, a cop in Minneapolis, Minnesota who accidently killed a young criminal, Dante Wright, who happened to be a young mixed black and white young man. Bear also spoke about what the … Continue reading
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Tagged Antifa, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Conservatives, corrupt Democratic-Leftists politicians, corrupt elite, corrupt government, corrupt politicians, corrupt tyrannical Democratic Politicians, crimes, Dante Wright, Defund the police, detox the police, facts, just us, justice, Liberal-Leftist-Democratic-Globalist-Satanic Hivemind, matrix, Minneapolis, Minnesota, police corruption, Police Officer Kim Potter, police reform, propaganda, Reprogram The Matrix, Republicans, Rino Republicans, Riots, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, The Hivemind, The Plantation, The Swamp
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