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Tag Archives: Social Media
Keenan Anderson’s Death Could Have Been Prevented
BearAndRainbow Join Our Mailing Listhttps://eepurl.com/eLPb2 Join Our Psychic Protection Mobile Apphttps://tc105.mysmspg.com/ https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers Executive Order 11110 (Gold & Silver)http://rehabinc.blogspot.com/2023/01/executive-order-11110.html Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0859TBLWV?ref_=pe_3052080_276849420 Black Lives Matter / Antifa, Detox the Police, Corrupt Tyrannical Democratic Politicians, and … Continue reading
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Tagged 5th dimension, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Blue States, Cartels, celebrities, CIA, corrupt Democratic-Leftists politicians, corrupt tyrannical Democratic Politicians, crime, criminals, Deep State, Defund the police, Democrat Party, Democratic Leftist - Liberal Hivemind, Democrats, Drain The Swamp, drugs, Education, energy weapon, FBI, FBI agents, FBI informants, gold, Healing Arts, hivemind, Hollywood, illegal immigrants, indoctrination, Keenan Anderson, Larry Elder, Leftist-Liberals, Legacy Media, Liberal World Order, Liberal-Leftist-Democratic-Satanic-Globalist Hivemind, LWO, MAGA Republicans, Martial Arts, New World Order, NWO, Patriots, Patrisse Cullors, police, police brutality, President Donald J. Trump, protests, Red States, Republican Party, Republicans, Rino Republicans, roits, Royal Families, silver, Social Media, Soledad Ursua, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, tasers, Teachers Union, The Plantation, The Swamp, Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, woke, Woke Mind Virus, Wokism
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BearAndRainbow Kyle Rittenhouse was released four days ago from jail and from all charges, thanks to actor Ricky Schroder, his attorney Lin Wood, militia organizations, conservative and Christian groups have been raising money to pay for Rittenhouse’s defense. Now that … Continue reading
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Tagged Antifa, Big Tech, Black Lives Matter, BLM, CNN, corrupt Democratic-Leftists politicians, Dark Winter, Deep State, Democratic-Leftist-Liberal Hivemind, fake news, Fox News, Joe Biden, Kyle Rittenhouse, mainstream media, militia groups, President Donald J Trump, protests, Rhino Republicans, Riots, Social Media, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, terroists, Thanksgiving, voter fraud, white supremist
We The People In China’s Masks Part 3: Connect The Dots, Read Between The Lines
BearAndRainbow Coronavirus whistleblower speaks out about possible COVID origin on ‘Tucker’ Chinese whistleblower virologist, Li-Meng Yan, has a virtual sit down with Patrick Bet-David to talk about China’s handling of the Coronavirus. Li-Meng Yan claims the virus was developed in … Continue reading
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Tagged A.I., Aliens, androids, Antifa, artificial intelligence, athletes, Black Lives Matter, celebrities, Conservatives, Corona Virus, corrupt tyrannical Democratic Politicians, COVID-19, cultural-social control, cyborgs, Deep State, Democratic Satanist Far - Left, Democrats, demonic forces, demons, doctors, economics, economy, emotional vampires, face masks, Hollywood, hydroxychloroquine, Karenators, Karens, Kens, Kyle Rittenhouse, Leftist-Liberals, mainstream media, Masks, matrix, matrix agents, Nano bot technology, Nano bots, nano chips, Nanobot invasions, nanobots, pathogens, President Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Republicans, Right-Wing, robots, save our children, save the children, Senator Rand Paul, shaman, Shamanic healing & spiritual advise, Shamanism, silent majority, Smithertarians, Social Media, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, Trump supporters, vampires, virus, X22report.com
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Armed American Citizens Fighting Back and Connecting with Spirit
BearAndRainbow Bear speaks about why Americans are getting armed and why they are fighting back against Antifa / Black Lives Matter terrorist who have been roiting, looting, destroying businesses and other property of the federal government, even harming and killing … Continue reading
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Tagged #walkaway, A.I., angelic forces, Antifa, Armed American Citizens, artificial intellgence, Black Lives Matter, child sex trafficking, Chris Cuomo, CNN, Connection with Spirit, COVID-19, Democratic Party, demonic forces, Fox News, Freemason, healers, human trafficking, Jacob Blake, Karens, Kenosha, Kens, Kyle Rittenhouse, mainstream media, media, militias, Patriots, police, President Donald Trump, psychics, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, Republican, Satanists, Social Media, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, Wysconsin
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Social Distancing, Psychic Vampirism, and Media Manipulation
BearAndRainbow https://bearandrainbow.com/faq/bears-page/ Bear speaks about social distancing, psychic protection, media manipulation, and what we can do to go through the Corona Virus, aka COVID-19 evolutionary historic event. ———————————————————————————————————- Short Stories of Psychic Protection with Bear & Rainbow Kindle Edition, 1st … Continue reading
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Tagged abundance, advertising, Babylon, Corona Virus, COVID-19, Dark Night of the Soul, Gaia, healers, healing, lightworkers, marketing, media, media manipulation, mind control, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, pandemic, Planet Earth, promotion, psychic vampirism, relationships, shamans, social distancing, Social Media, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, vaccination, vaccines
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Fidget Generation
BearandRainbow Fidget generation. Just watch. Watch the video and feel free to ask questions and comment your own helpful messages, techniques! Thanks for watching, enjoy.
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Tagged meditation, millenials, Shamanism, Social Media, spirituality, Yoga
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