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Tag Archives: Karenators
Agents, Psychos, Snitches, and Trolls. Oh Wow!
Bear And Rainbow Agents, Psychos, Snitches, and Trolls. Oh Wow! Bear speaks his mind about agents, psychos, snitches, and trolls and why they are becoming so rampant in our world today and why they are bothering people more now than … Continue reading
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Tagged A.I., Agents, angelics, Angels, Archangels, Arcturians, artificial intelligence, ascension, Bear and Rainbow, Democratic Party, Democratic Satanist Far - Left, Democratic-Leftist-Liberal Hivemind, demonic forces, demons, higher forces, Karenators, Karens, Keanu Reeves, Kens, Lawrence Fishburne, Martial Arts, matrix agents, Pleiadians, psychopaths, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, Reiki, Reiki master, shaman, Shamanic Healer, shamanic healing, Shamanic healing & spiritual advise, Shamanism, Smitharians, Snitches, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, The Matrix Movie, Trolls, zombies
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Ken’s and Karen’s part 1 and part 2
BearAndRainbow https://Patreon.com/bearandrainbowshamanichealers Leftist Karenators Attacks 7 Year Old Boy Over a MAGA Hat https://bearandrainbow.com/leftist-karenators-attacks-7-year-old-boy-over-a-maga-hat/ Nanobot Technology, Dismantling and Destruction of CHAZ, and Independence Day https://bearandrainbow.com/nanobot-technology-dismantling-and-destruction-of-chaz-and-independence-day/ HOW TO TERMINATE A.I. NANO BOTS http://rehabinc.blogspot.com/2017/09/how-to-terminate-ai-nano-bots.html
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Tagged demons, etheric parasites, healing, Karenators, Karens, Kens, Masks, matrix, matrix agents, Mr. Smith, Nano bot technology, Nano bots, nano chips, nanobot technology, nanobots, nanochips, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, shamainc healing, silicone parasites, Smitherians, Standing Bear Thunder Heart
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We The People In China’s Masks Part 3: Connect The Dots, Read Between The Lines
BearAndRainbow Coronavirus whistleblower speaks out about possible COVID origin on ‘Tucker’ Chinese whistleblower virologist, Li-Meng Yan, has a virtual sit down with Patrick Bet-David to talk about China’s handling of the Coronavirus. Li-Meng Yan claims the virus was developed in … Continue reading
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Tagged A.I., Aliens, androids, Antifa, artificial intelligence, athletes, Black Lives Matter, celebrities, Conservatives, Corona Virus, corrupt tyrannical Democratic Politicians, COVID-19, cultural-social control, cyborgs, Deep State, Democratic Satanist Far - Left, Democrats, demonic forces, demons, doctors, economics, economy, emotional vampires, face masks, Hollywood, hydroxychloroquine, Karenators, Karens, Kens, Kyle Rittenhouse, Leftist-Liberals, mainstream media, Masks, matrix, matrix agents, Nano bot technology, Nano bots, nano chips, Nanobot invasions, nanobots, pathogens, President Donald Trump, Rand Paul, Republicans, Right-Wing, robots, save our children, save the children, Senator Rand Paul, shaman, Shamanic healing & spiritual advise, Shamanism, silent majority, Smithertarians, Social Media, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, Trump supporters, vampires, virus, X22report.com
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Leftist Karenators Attacks 7 Year Old Boy Over a MAGA Hat
BearAndRainbow #savethechildren #saveourchildren #walkaway #standup Bear speaks about the two Leftist Karenators recently attacked a 7 year old boy and his mother for him wearing a MAGA hat in Delaware, and specifically being a Trump Supporter. These women were indicted … Continue reading
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Tagged #walkaway, A.I., Antifa, archon, Babylon Joe Biden, Black Lives Matter, Camryn Amy, child abuse, Deep State, Delaware, Democrats, demons, ego, EMF, EMR, freedom, hate crime, healers, Karenators, Karens, Kens, Kyle Rittenhouse, Leftist-Liberals, MAGA, mainstream media, matrix, militias, Nano bots, NFAC Militia Group, Olivia Winslow, peace, police, politically correct, President Donald Trump, roits, save our children, save the children, Senator Rand Paul, shamans, Sheild Your Body, spiritual war, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, war, woke
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