Tag Archives: clearing

The Cleansing-Healing Coughing Technique Demo 6

Bear And Rainbow Thunder Heart The Cleansing-Healing Coughing Technique Demo 6

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Detoxification By Purification

Detoxification By Purification is dedicated to helping you to remove the toxins, poisons, chemicals and parasites that are the main culprit behind physical, mental and spiritual health Detox Purification for the following conditions: Morgellon Fibers, Nanoparticles, Candida, Parasites, Parasite Eggs, … Continue reading

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The Importance of Healing and Opening Your Heart Chakra

bearandrainbow Bear speaks in this video on the importance of healing and opening one’s own heart chakra. He explains the rewards for opening and healing your heart chakra, and the consequences of closing and energetically clogging up your heart chakra … Continue reading

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Do You have that metal taste in your mouth, and how do you go about clearing it out of you?

bearandrainbow Bear was advised by a professor who was a British soldier, a Zen Buddhist monk, a business man, a teacher, and a Wall Street investor, to be careful in how he healed people. The professor warned Bear that he … Continue reading

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