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Tag Archives: devil
How Do You Know When You’re Getting Psychically Attacked?
How do you know? How do we know when our perceptions are not playing tricks on us? Sometimes it’s an angel posing as the devil. Sometimes it’s a malevolent entity posing as an angel. Duality has these labels, traditions, expectations … Continue reading
Posted in Blog
Tagged angel, devil, empowerment, energy healing, personal development, psychic attack, psychic protection, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, relationships, self-healing, spirits, voo doo doll, voo doo doll needles, zap
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Are Demons Bad? with Shaman Rainbow
BearandRainbow Follow Rainbow at http://twitter.com/RainbowOfRehab Why are some angels, demons, and people good or bad? How does history and time affect the evolution of the good and evil characters of time? Good, bad, neutral and in between, there are these … Continue reading