Tag Archives: shadow government

Donald Trump’s Assassination Attempt, A Shot Heard Around The World, The Continuation!

BearAndRainbow Bear speaks about President Donald Trump’s recent assassination attempt, in which it failed, and what caused the assassination attempt to happen, what are the consequences for such a terrible act against President Trump, and how well all move forward … Continue reading

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Pedophilia & Transhumanist Agenda

Pedophilia & Transhumanist Agenda https://stereo.com/u/r21MSLyMMXV8Z31 To book a private session, go to http://BearAndRainbow.com/contact. Subscribe via email & mobile app. For access to our psychic protection, personal development, communities, and business trainings, join our Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers . ————————————————————————————————————- Purchase “Short Stories of … Continue reading

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December 5, 2020: Nano Bots and Vaccinations

BearAndRainbow Bitchute BearAndRainbow If You know of anybody thinking of getting a Covid Vaccination? https://rehabinc.blogspot.com/search?q=artificial+intelligence NEWS MEDIA, BULLIES & BOTS 🤖https://www.instagram.com/tv/CIbNo8-njaz/?igshid=y9j81kob310b HOW TO TERMINATE A.I. NANO BOTShttp://rehabinc.blogspot.com/2017/09/how-to-terminate-ai-nano-bots.html https://patreon.com/bearandrainbowshamanichealers

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Healer, Heal Thyself! April 15, 2020

BearAndRainbow EMR Shield Protection (Gold Stickers) https://amzn.to/2MA1xeV 5G Defense (Pills) – EMF Protect – Formulated for 5G Five G & EMF and Antiviral Protection – Oxidative Stress – NRF2 Dietary Supplement Capsules – Antiviral Defense – Increased Energy & Metabolic … Continue reading

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Grey Thursday, Black Friday, Winter Holidays, & Mark Dice with Bear

Grey Thursday, Black Friday, Winter Holidays, & Mark Dice with Bear from Bear and Rainbow on Vimeo. Bear did a video response regarding author and activist, Mark Dice doing videos of him bull horning Black Friday shoppers and why he … Continue reading

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Election 2012 and After by Bear

Election 2012 and After by Bear from Bear and Rainbow on Vimeo. Bear spoke his mind regarding this year’s election, the concept of gangs in government, Barack Obama, Hurricane Sandy, Corporate media control, and becoming more self sufficient during the … Continue reading

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