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Tag Archives: archons
December 5, 2020: Nano Bots and Vaccinations
BearAndRainbow Bitchute BearAndRainbow If You know of anybody thinking of getting a Covid Vaccination? https://rehabinc.blogspot.com/search?q=artificial+intelligence NEWS MEDIA, BULLIES & BOTS 🤖https://www.instagram.com/tv/CIbNo8-njaz/?igshid=y9j81kob310b HOW TO TERMINATE A.I. NANO BOTShttp://rehabinc.blogspot.com/2017/09/how-to-terminate-ai-nano-bots.html https://patreon.com/bearandrainbowshamanichealers
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Tagged A.I., Aliens, androids, archons, artificial intelligence, Bear & Rainbow, borg, bots, C.I.A, Central Banks, clones, Conservatives, Corona Virus, COVID-19, cyborgs, Deep State, Democratic-Leftist-Liberal Hivemind, economics, economy, elected government, Extraterrestrial, extraterrestrial energies, healing, hivemind, Hollywood, light codes, lineages, love and light psyop, Luciferian, mainstream media, Nano bot technology, Nano bots, nano chips, nano technology, Nanobot invasions, nanobots, nanochips, nanotechnology, Nationalist Populists, Nationalists Populist movement, New World Order, NWO, parasites, politicians, politics, psyops, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, remedies, robots, Royal Bloodlines, Royal Family, satanic, shadow government, shamanic healing, silicone parasites, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, The Great Awakening, The Great Reset, The Red Wave, The Resistance, transgender agenda, transgendered, Transhumanism, Transhumanist, vaccinations, vaccines, Vatican, vibration, virus, x-men, x-men genes
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Death of David Rockefeller and Transhumanism with Bear
BearandRainbow Bear in this video had a response of what Alien Contactee Linol Anderson had reported recently, which was the death of one of the patriarchs of one of the Globalist Cabal families, David Rockefeller. Rockefeller as reported died recently … Continue reading
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Tagged AI, Alien Contactee Linol Anderson, androids, anonymous, archons, artificial intelligence, Cabal, consciousniess, cyborgs, David Rockefeller, demons, Donald Trump, etheric parasites, Globalist, illuminati, Linol Anderson, Reptilians, robots, secret societies, Shamanism, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, Transhumanism, White Dragon Society
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Explosive EXPOSURE Elites David Icke
sswemmer (Start @ 8:50) Alex welcomes British Author and renowned New World Order investigator David Icke to expose the large strides towards bringing about total financial collapse and public enslavement. http://www.davidicke.com/ Alex Jones Show Complete Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC9FA2312512C8056 Infowars Nightly News … Continue reading
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Tagged Alex Jones, Alex Jones Show, Annunaki, archons, Bear and Rainbow, David Icke, demons, Draco, E.T.s, George H.W. Bush, InfoWars, mind control, pedophiles, pedophilia, perverts, Prince Charles, Princess Diana, prison planet, psychic protection, psychic vampires, rabbit hole, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, Reptilians, Rothchilds, Royal Bloodlines, sacrafices, satanic, satanism, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, TSA, vampires
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