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Tag Archives: Taiwan
Russia, Ukraine, Media Propaganda, and Destruction of Neo-Nazis
BearAndRainbow Bear in this in depth video speaks about the Russian War with Ukraine, media propaganda, and the destruction of the Neo-Nazis. Bear breaks it down as he speaks about these topics from a different perspective and different narrative than … Continue reading →
Posted in Blog
Tagged 3dto5dconsciousness.com, A.I., alien artificial nanotechnology, Antifa, archons, artificial intelligence, Big Tech, black magick, BLM, child trafficking, China, corrupt politicians, corrupt tyrannical Democratic Politicians, corruption, David Wilcock, Deep State, Democrats, Donald Trump, Dr. Steve Turley, fake news, fake news media, gold and silver, healing, human trafficking, information, Information War, Joe Biden, Liberal Hivemind, mainstream media, media, mind control, mind control Zombies, mindless zombies, monetary system, Nazis, Neo-nazis, precious metals, psychic attacks, psychic protection, Rinos, Russia, shamanic healing, spiritual war, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, Taiwan, The Liberal-Leftist-Democratic-Globalist-, Ukraine, Vladamir Putin
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