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Tag Archives: Archangels
Agents, Psychos, Snitches, and Trolls. Oh Wow!
Bear And Rainbow Agents, Psychos, Snitches, and Trolls. Oh Wow! Bear speaks his mind about agents, psychos, snitches, and trolls and why they are becoming so rampant in our world today and why they are bothering people more now than … Continue reading
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Tagged A.I., Agents, angelics, Angels, Archangels, Arcturians, artificial intelligence, ascension, Bear and Rainbow, Democratic Party, Democratic Satanist Far - Left, Democratic-Leftist-Liberal Hivemind, demonic forces, demons, higher forces, Karenators, Karens, Keanu Reeves, Kens, Lawrence Fishburne, Martial Arts, matrix agents, Pleiadians, psychopaths, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, Reiki, Reiki master, shaman, Shamanic Healer, shamanic healing, Shamanic healing & spiritual advise, Shamanism, Smitharians, Snitches, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, The Matrix Movie, Trolls, zombies
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Who are the best angels, deities, helpers to use?
What is your goal? Are you trying to have a baby? Are you trying to get rid of diabetes, or heal another disease? Are you trying to get a promotion or a certain job? Are you ready to find your … Continue reading
Posted in Blog
Tagged ancestors, Angels, animal spirits, Archangels, archetypes, beings, consciousness, deities, demons, desires, divine creator, Dreams, Extraterrestrial, extraterrestrial energies, God, God / Goddess, Gods / Goddesses, helpers, magic, magick, manifestation, mysticism, prayers, saints, self-mastery, Shamanism, spirit helpers, spirits, the Orishas
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