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Tag Archives: healing
Standing Bear Thunder Heart Heals Clients at Health Fair Events
BearAndRainbow Bear heals clients using the combination of shiatsu and energy healing at health fair events. https://bearandrainbow.com/bears-page/ https://HealingMassageUnlimited.wordpress.com https://Facebook.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers https://Facebook.com/HealingMassageUnlimited https://Instagram.com/BearAndRainbow https://Patreon.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers https://Facebook.com/BearAndRainbowShamanicHealers https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tLXiFzczBz4u/ https://gab.com/BearAndRainbow https://rumble.com/user/BearAndRainbow https://truthsocial.com/@bearandrainbow
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Tagged energy clearing, energy healing, energy medicine, energy weapon, healing, personal development, personal power, personal transformation, psychic protection, Reiki, Reiki energy healing, Reiki healing, Reiki master, Reiki treatments, shaman, Shamanic Empowerment Healing Sessions, Shamanic Healer, shamanic healing, Shamanic healing & spiritual advise, shamanic services, Shamanism, Standing Bear Thunder Heart
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Woke Transgender Activist Attacked Christian School in Nashville, Tennessee
BearAndRainbow Bear speaks of the aftermath of the false flag of a Woke transgendered activist bad actor, Audrey (Aiden) Haley, shot and murdered 6 people in The Covenant School, a private Catholic school that teaches pre-k through sixth grade, on … Continue reading
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Tagged Annon, artificial intelligence, astral parasites, Audrey (Aiden) Haley, Christian, Christianity, Conservatives, corrupt Democratic-Leftists politicians, Cultural War, Deep State, Democratic Leftist - Liberal Hivemind, Democratic Party, Democratic Satanist Far - Left, Democratic-Leftist-Liberal Hivemind, demons, emotional vampires, energy healing, energy vampires, etheric parasites, far-left, groomers, grooming kids, healing, Information War, Joe Biden, latte leftist liberal lunacy, leftist lunacy movement, Leftist-Liberals, LGBTQ, LGBTQ+, Liberal-Leftist-Democratic-Globalist-Satanic Hivemind, Liberal-Leftist-Democratic-Satanic-Globalist Hivemind, mafia, MAGA, Mainstream marxist media, Mental Illness, mind parasites, Nashville, parasites, pedophiles, pedophilia, personal development, physical parasites, President Donald J Trump, psychic protection, psychic vampires, Q, Radical Leftist-Liberal-Democrats, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, Reiki, Republican, Republican Party, Rino Republicans, Rinos, shamanic healing, Shamanism, shapeshifting, silicone parasites, spirit parasites, spiritual war, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, Tennessee, terrorists, terrorists groups, The Liberal-Leftist-Democratic-Globalist-, The Plantation, The Swamp, Transgender activists, transgender agenda, transgendered, Transhumanism, Transhumanist, Trump supporters, vampires, Woke Mind Virus, Woke Mob, Woke teachers
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January 6 False Flag Cover-Up and Tucker Carlson
BearAndRainbow Standing Bear Thunder Heart speaks about Fox News star Tucker Carlson showing many other D.C. Capitol film footages of 44 thousand hours of hidden never seen footages from the January 6, 2021 false flag event when American MAGA Patriots … Continue reading
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Tagged Agents, alternative media, Anthony Fauci, Antifa, Big Tech, BLM, CCP, CDC, child sex trafficking, China Communist Party, Conspiracy Realists, Conspiracy Realities, Conspiracy Reality, corrupt Democratic-Leftists politicians, corrupt elite, cover-up, cover-ups, Dave of X22report.com, Dave X22, Deep State, demons, election fraud, elite, fake news, false flag, false flags, FBI, FBI agents, FBI informants, Fox News, Global elite, healing, Hollywood, human trafficking, insurrection, Jacob Chansley, January 6 2021, January 6th, Joseph Biden, Kevin McCarthy, Kyle Rittenhouse, leftist lunacy movement, Leftist-Liberals, Legacy Media, Liberal-Leftist-Democratic-Satanic-Globalist Hivemind, MAGA, MAGA Patriots, MAGA Republicans, Nancy Pelosi, Nazis, November 3 2020, Patriots, President Donald J Trump, puppet masters, Q Shaman, Q Shaman Jacob Chansley, Rainbow Heart Freedom Eagle, Ray Epps, Rino Republicans, Rinos, Sex trafficking, Standing Bear Thunder Heart, transgender agenda, Transhumanism, Tucker Carlson, Ukrainian Neo-Nazis, voter fraud, warpath, X22report.com
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Healing is not Linear
Have you ever felt instant, illogical rage or fear when you encountered a stranger but didn’t know why? I’ll come back to this at the end of this article. All lives matter. All timelines matter. When you heal yourself, you … Continue reading
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Tagged Akashic records, dopplegangers, energetic blockages, healing, healing abilities
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It Takes One to Tantra.
It’s been awhile, I’m not sure if this excerpt in this tantra definition photo is from Chantelle Raven Dakini sister or not. Tying in to the past couple years of 2020 to the present February 2022: Stepping out of this … Continue reading
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Tagged ascend, Chantelle Raven, Chantelle Raven Dakini, energetic loosh, exo-politics, geo-politics, healing, love, love-trust-abundance paradigm, matrix paradigm, Tantra, vampirism
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